High Fidelity 2D Graphics
C# port of a High Quality Rendering Engine for C++

Pleas visit the project site on Sourceforge.

Agg-Sharp is a C# port of the Anti-Grain Geometry library - AGG was originally written by Maxim Shemanarev in C++. Agg-Sharp was inspired by Maxim's wonderful work on AGG and further by the Pascal Port of agg, aggpass. Agg-Sharp is Open Source and free of charge.

Agg-Sharp does not depend on any graphic API or technology. You can think of Agg-Sharp (and all the AGGs) as a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from vectorial data. But of course, Agg-Sharp can do much more than that. The ideas and the philosophy of Agg-Sharp are tha same as those of AGG and you can can read more about those on AGGs website here ...

Reflexive Game Library

The AGG-Sharp project is being sponsored by Reflexive Entertainment Inc. and is being used as the graphics engine for our new C# game library.

To minimize the confusion of having the game library separated from it's graphics engine, and to provide game samples with the distribution, you can find the Reflexive C# game library in the SVN repository as well as agg-sharp.

How to contribute...

If you would like to contribute to AGG-sharp, here are a few projects that you could dig into.

AGG Sharp TODO...

Please get the latest code from SVN before you dive in.
And thanks in advance for any contribution or comment you would like to make.

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